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INHALTSANGABE - Jahrbuch No L des Jahres 2011
Şerban TURCUŞ | Die teophorischen Anthroponyme in Siebenbürgen, 11-14. Jahrhundert | PDF Abstract |
Dan MELENTI | Kirchliche Gemeinden und rumänische Priester im Komitat Turda: soziale Lage und Stellung (1850-1900) | PDF Abstract |
Iosif Marin BALOG | Die Wirtschaftskrise von 1873; Erscheinungsform und Auffassung in der siebenbürgischen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft | PDF Abstract |
Sergiu SOICA | Die Tätigkeit der Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche im Banat zwischen 1920-1945 | PDF Abstract |
Alexandru SIMON | Die Wiederherstellung der erwünschten Vergangenheit: mittelalterliche, moderne und zeitgenössische Erscheinungsformen eines Monarchen | PDF Abstract |
Gabriela MIRCEA | Die rumänische Elite und Gemeinschaft aus Alba Iulia (Weissenburg) in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ausschnitte aus Druckschriften und Zeitdokumenten (I) | PDF Abstract |
Adrian DOHOTARU | Die Phalanstere aus Scăieni und der Entwurf einer ausgeglicheneren Welt | PDF Abstract |
Mihai Adrian PANU | Diskursive Strategien der extremen Rechten in der Banater Presse der Zwischenkriegszeit. Die Publikation "Svastica Banatului" | PDF Abstract |
Sorin RADU | Die Parteierziehung im kommunistischen Rumänien. Fallstudie: Die Gründung und die Gestaltung der Parteischulen der "Front der Pflüger" (1948) | PDF Abstract |
Veronica TURCUŞ | Die Beziehungen der Klausenburger akademischen Intelligenz mit der italienischen akademischen Elite in der Zwischenkriegszeit: Emil Panaitescus Briefwechsel mit Giuseppe Lugli | PDF Abstract |
Emanuel COPILAŞ | Ideologie und Politik. Helsinki 1975 und die Problematik Der Menschenrechte im sozialistischen Rumänien | PDF Abstract |
Liviu CĂRARE | Die Schlussfolgerungen des Ermittlungsausschusses zur "Untersuchung der Regelwidrigkeiten, die während der Räumung der Juden aus Czernowitz stattfanden" (1941) | PDF Abstract |
Katalin PRUNEL | Die Ungarn aus Rumänien zwischen 1956 und 1965. Minderheitenstatut und Gemeinschaftsidentität | PDF Abstract |
Adinel DINCĂ | Die Datierung der mittelalterlichen lateinischen Manuskripte. Methodologische Bewertungen | PDF Abstract |
Tudor-Radu TIRON | Die Anfänge des Wappens Siebenbürgens in Anbetracht mehrerer externen/fremden Bildquellen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert bis zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts | PDF Abstract |
Dragoş SDROBIŞ | National und Nationalismus in der rumänischen Erziehung Der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1939) | PDF Abstract |
DOKUMENTATION | "Prolegomena" oder "Seiten" aus der Vergangenheit einer Institution. II. (1925-1935) (Stelian Mândruţ) | PDF Abstract |
BUCHREZENSIONEN | Inhalt Buchrezensionen | PDF
BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE NOTEN | Inhalt Bibliographische Noten | PDF
JOURNAL REVIEW | Inhalt Journal Review | PDF
Generalversammlung des Instituts zum 90 Gründungsjahr (Klausenburg, 1. Februar 2010) (Nicolae Edroiu) | PDF
Das wissenschaftliche Symposium des Instituts im Rahmen der Klausenburger Akademischen Tage. "Die wissenschaftliche Tätigkeitn des Instituts zwischen 1920-2010" (Klausenburg, 1.-2. Juni 2010) (Susana Andea) | PDF
Die Versammlung der Gemeinsamen Kommission für rumänisch-ungarische Geschichte (Budapest, 4.-8. Oktober 2010) (Nicolae Edroiu) | PDF
Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung "Die rumänische Gesellschaft innerhalb der kaiserlichen Grenzen" (Kischinau, 8.-9. Oktober 2010) (Stelian Mândruţ) | PDF
Das wissenschaftliche Symposium "Nicolae Iorga - 90 Jahre seit dem tragischen Verschwinden" (Klausenburg, 18. November 2010) (Veronica Turcuş) | PDF
Die wissenschaftliche Tagung "Das Fürstentum Siebenbürgen zwischen Blütezeit und Zerfall" (Klausenburg, 22. November 2010) (Susana Andea) | PDF
Das wissenschaftliche Leben des Geschichte Institutes "George Bariţiu" im Jahre 2010. Die Abteilung für Geschichte (Susana Andea) | PDF
Über die Graduiertenschule (Nicolae Edroiu) | PDF
Abstracts / Résumé / Zusammenfassungen
Şerban Turcuş « Back
The Theophoric anthroponims in Transylvania. XI-XIV Centuries
The theophoric anthroponims are located in medieval Transylvania in an average degree comparing to the New Testament names and the Roman ones which were imposed indirectly and systemless by the Roman heritage or awarness and compulsory by the Roman Church. The theophoric names, as they can be classified in late medieval Transylvania, are formed most of the time by composing the name which has as a prefix or suffix a particle referring to a goddess. By extension, we include in the theophoric names category some anthroponims which refer to the qualities of the goddess, derive from the goddess or are connected to the collective perception of the goddess. The theophoric medieval anthroponims range features mostly by the phrase-name construction with Latin origins: Adeodatus, Amadeus, Cumquodeus, Deusdedit, Homodeus; Greeks: Theodor, Dorothea; German: Gottfried, Gotscalc; Slavic: Bogdan or Hebrew: Lazar, Elisabetta. The most spread theophoric name in Transylvania is Dominic. This phenomenon highlights imports of names so it is about migration in the first generations as can be seen in the case of the Italian origined name Homodeus or the Hispanic one Servusdei. The theophoric name schedule reveals a pretty confusing situation in the Transylvanian area. We can not determine, except few exceptions, a range of names which can be used for determined social, ethnic or cultural classes. The access to the theophoric names could not be made systematically, but randomly, taking into account the origins of the first carriers, their societal status or their social prestige. The fact that Dominic is the most spread name proves hot when the dissemination of this name was sustained by a professionalized infrastructure such as the Church, this operation was a success.
Keywords: anthroponimy, Transylvania, theophoric, Dominic, church, Hungarian Kingdom
Dan MELENTI « Back
Communities church and Romanian Priests from Turda County: state and status (1850-1900)
The present study is describing the situation of clerical communities and that of priests from Romanian parishes in Turda County in the second half of the 19th century. We chose to begin with a short presentation of ecclesiastic legislation regarding the organisation and activity of these administrative units and then continuing with an analysis of priests' personal income from this area, based on unpublished documents and information from the Archpriestships' funds. Then, starting with the research work of historian C. Sigmirean, we followed the development of young Greek-Catholic priests from the studied county, the social and professional environment from which they came and the incidence of them returning to their native area. We could not ignore the cases of inappropriate behaviour of some priests, which, by ways of living their lives and satisfying their vices did not measure up to their assumed spiritual mission. Furthermore, we tried to describe the main categories of auxiliary clerical personnel: the vicar choral, the sacristan and religious teacher. Finally, we analysed the situation of raising Romanian churches in Turda County between 1850-1900, establishing a trend of constructions influenced by the social-economical context. Globally, we can conclude that during the second half of the 19th century, the Romanian clerical communities from Turda County experienced a minimal but constant evolution, identifiable through the gradual increase in places of worship, the income of priests, the quality of clerical training, etc. Those premises permitted, during the dualist phase, a more intense involvement of the priests, and sometimes of the whole community, in political and national activities, because there was enough economic capacity to sustain these kind of activities and also the cultural level of maintaining the national spirit.
Key words: Transylvania; church; ecclesiastic; Turda-Arieş County; Orthodox; Greek-Catholic; religious; archpriestships; protopopes; parishes; priest; priestly; clergy; subsidiary
Iosif Marin BALOG « Back
The Economic Crisis of 1873. Its Event and Perception in the Economy and Society from Transylvania
The study examines the economic effects of the great crisis of 1873 and how it was perceived in Transylvania. The author starts from the pre-crisis economic situation, analyzes the causes that led to its outbreak, both in the Habsburg Monarchy in general, and in Transylvania. The author discusses how the crisis spread at financial level from Vienna, the capital stock of Central Europe at that time and to real economic plan, into the peripheral regions that were more or less connected to the circuitry of financial, investment and production of the Monarchy.
One of the sections analyses how the crisis has manifested itself in the real economy of Transylvania, at the social level and also how this period was perceived by the population and how was affected entrepreneurship. The last part of the study shows the potential consequences and lessons of the crisis in 1873 given to the economy and society in future decades that followed.
Key words: Economic Crisis, Great Depression of 1873, Economy, Society, Transylvania, 19th Century
Sergiu SOICA « Back
The activity of the Greco-catholic Church from Banat between 1920 and 1945
In more than two centururies of this existence inside of the Habsburgic Empire, the Romanian Unit Church, has followed an ascending line. In the moment of the Union (1700 A. C.) the Romanian Unit Church was led by a Bishop, who has just been confirmed as an autonomous entity. Therefore, in the Twentieth century, the Romanian Unit Church in Transylvania, was organised as a mitropolitan county, ruled by a Bishop and escorted by four high prelates. The Greco-Catholics were looked forward to adapt and improve the church's organization to the new territorial situation in Greater Romania. During the interwar period, the Greco-Catholic ecclesiastic institution from Banat had also followed an ascending line. The Church from Banat was ruled by four Bishops, with two vicarages at Timisoara and Hateg, eight archpriestships and around two hundred congregations. There was a beneficial period for the Church, because in 1920 has taken place an assembly, followed by two yearly ordinary synods until in 1948. In all, the church life: literature, education, pilgrimages and activity with laics was beneficial for the Church from Banat during the period from 1920 to 1945.
Key words: The Greco-Catholic Church, congregation, pilgrimages
Alexandru SIMON « Back
The reuse of a desirable past: medieval, modern and contemporary snap-shots of a monarch
D'origine humile de progenie de Valacchia, as contemporary Venetian records put it, Matthias Corvinus had not only risen to the Hungarian throne, but had also claimed a spot in the center of European political attention. A certain fascination, developed afterwards into certain hate or admiration, marked his reign and his story (little room was left for indifference, although several contemporaries attempted to play it that way, the safe way in relation to the troubles involved by the actions and the legacy of the son of Christian hero John Hunyadi). In the early 1490s, Hungary felt increasingly the pressure put on her by Matthias Corvinus' rule and death. The expenses of his diplomacy and army, as well as the costs of his humanist endeavors, that had made his library the second largest in the world at that time, had brought the realm and the court to the point where it was rumored that king Matthias' burial could not be paid for. Eventually this was not the case. Humanist phrases and Jagellonian failures kept Matthias glory alive even over the next years. On Walachian, "(re)turned" Romanian, soil this was hardly the case, namely in the last two centuries.
Key words: Matthias Corvinus, Hungary, Walachia and Moldavia, House of Habsburg, Hunyadi Family
Gabriela MIRCEA « Back
The elite and Romanian community from Alba Iulia in the first decades of the Twentieth century. Episodes from printings and epoch documents (I)
This study is based on investigation and valorization, in modern manner of interpretation, of some new documents referring to creation and activity of Reading and Singing Society of Romanian Citizens and Artisans from Alba Iulia (Reuniunii de cetire şi cântări a economilor şi meseriaşilor români din Alba-Iulia) (set up in 1901) and some book donations made to the Library of Society, that got in the funds of the Museum's Library from Alba Iulia; proper documentary sources and books themselves, seen as reference points for current lectures in the epoch, and donation notes and handwritten or stamped bookplates, extremely interesting for the background of the age. This research does not focus on editing documents referring to the past of the Society, but on putting in the limelight local involved personalities, detailing about their economic, social, cultural and even traditional engagement in the context of habits belonging to social, everyday behavior of the respective period and autoimposed self discipline to activate both in the economic field, for one's, familial or community's welfare and in the cultural one, by education of the self and community, following national principles and new demands of the period.
Personalities in connection with establishment and activity of the remebered Society, followed until the Union from 1 December 1918, and subsequently to the respective moment, until the third decade of the XXth century, are revealed by diverse documentary information which recreates, partially of course, a whole disappeared period and world, reprofiling local history also from the perspective of Romanian element, not at all to be neglected in the social picture of the settlement.
In this study, emphasis is laid on underlining the relations concerning elite-Romanian local community, on the attempt of demonstrating once more the fact that existed towards the end of modern period, at the beginning of the XXth century a strong affinity of intellectuals towards fate of the community, of lower condition and vice versa, affinity of the latter towards the first, respectively unity of action, with economic, cultural and consolidation connotations of national idea. Those involved in animating economic, social, cultural and local artistic life within the Society are not insignificant, amongst them being indentified valid personalities, both of local and national value and it is interesting to reveal also some aspects of the relations that these animators of local economic and spiritual life had with representatives of economic, administrative and cultural "elite" of the other cohabiting ethnic groups from Alba Iulia of the first decades of the XXth century.
Key words: Elite, picture, intellectuals, community, spiritual life
Adrian DOHOTARU « Back
Phalanstery from Scăieni and the project of a more harmonious world
The essay explores the failed project of a Romanian phalanx in Scăieni village (1835-1836), established by Teodor Diamant and Manolache Bălăceanu, the second in the world after the phalanx developed in Conde-sur-Vesgres (1833-1835), based on the ideas of the early socialist thinker Charles Fourier. It also conveys the process of rewriting history concerning the Scăieni phalanx: from the eulogies of former social-democrat leaders, Const.-Titel Petrescu, and communist historians Z. Ornea and I. Cojocaru to the analytical imprecations of liberal historians as Sorin Antohi who equalizes every utopian experiment with a dystopian and totalitarian regime.
Key words: Charles Fourier, phalanx, Sorin Antohi, Z. Ornea, utopia, equality, harmony
Mihai Adrian PANU « Back
Discursive strategies of extreme right in the interwar press from Banat. The "Banat Swastika" publication case
The interwar period represents an important historical interval for the Romanian socio-political configuration of the 20th century. The multicultural character of the Romanian society after the Great Union in 1918 was seriously affected by the gradual ascension of right radical movements, especially in ethnic heterogenous regions, such as Banat. The major assumption of this analysis is that nationalism in interwar Romania was considerably influenced by the use of discursive strategies. This paper attempts to answer the following question: Which were the main discursive strategies used by the extreme-right movement in the interwar Banat press ? In this respect, the dynamic and the instances of nationalism in interwar Romania, especially in the region of Banat, represent the conceptual framework of this paper. Nevertheless the analysis is focused on the precise case of discourse strategies used in the Banat press. Therefore an important part of the paper is dedicated to the case study concerning the publication considered to be the most emblematic for the extreme-right movement in the Banat: the periodical "Svastica Banatului".
Key words: discursive strategies, extreme-right movement, interwar period, press in the Banat, discourse analysis
Sorin RADU « Back
Party education in communist Romania. Case study: the founding and the organization of the Ploughmen Front (1948)
There are almost no studies dedicated to Party education, and especially to the schools of cadres in the countries of the former Soviet camp, particularly Romania. The schools of cadres were established and functioned in Romania not only within the Communist Party, but also within the organizations of the most important "fellow-travelers" (comrades) in the period 1944-1953: The Ploughmen's Front. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the way in which the schools of cadres were organized within the framework of these peasant organizations; in Romania, after 1945, their main task was to implement the Communist ideology in the rural world, to facilitate the process of communization of Romanian villages, where the Communists were extremely unpopular. Our study is based on the capitalization of unpublished documents found in the Ploughmen's Front Fund within the Archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Romania in Bucharest and the National Archives of Romania, the Hunedoara County Office, the Regional Committee of the Romanian Communist Party Fund, Hunedoara.
Key words: Romania, school of cadres, Party activist, ideological education, The Ploughmen's Front, The Romanian Communist Party
Veronica TURCUŞ « Back
Episodes from the rapports between university intellectuals interwar from Cluj and the academic Italian elite: Emil Panaitescu in correspondence with Giuseppe Lugli
Romanian School at Rome had a decisive role in the forming of "humanistic" Romanian elite from the interwar period and its contribution to the througness of the scientific preparation of Romanian academics from the second half of the Twentieth century is indisputable. Between University from Cluj and Romanian School at Rome has been established a mutual rapport. The directors of the institution from 1928 to 1940, George G. Mateescu and Emil Panaitescu, and also the vicedirector of the Accademia di Romania from 1941 to 1947, Sever Pop, or its secretary, from 1934 to 1936 and 1938 to 1946, Virgil Vătăşianu, are originating among the experts of University from Cluj. Emil Panaitescu, professor of ancient history at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from Cluj, ex-member of Romanian School at Rome, has been suported by the scientific councelor of our Institute from Rome, the archeologist Giuseppe Lugli. The correspondence between the two academics covers more than three decades (1927-58) and presents information, for the most part inedits, referring to the sustaining offered to professor Panaitescu by G. Lugli in 1927, occasioned by the election of the new director of Romanian School Rome, after the death of its founder, professor Vasile Pârvan. The mailing offers many information about the prospects of the project which considers the reproduction in cement of the Traian's Column and its exposing in Bucharest, project conducted by Emil Panaitescu during the Second World War. Is relieved the role played by professor Lugli at the end of 50's in the negotiations between Romania and Italy for the repatriating the artifacts and the reproductions of the Column, copies kept in the deposits of the Italian museums and in Lateran. The letters reproduced in Appendix bring new elements regarding to the last years of Professor Panaitescu, lived in exile at Rome, offering in the same time inedits detalis for a family biography.
Key words: elites, school, Academy, Rome, Traian's Column, correspondence, Romanian exile
Emanuel COPILAŞ « Back
Ideology and politics. Helsinki 1975 and the human rights issue in the socialist Romania
The present paper is attempting an ideological analysis of how, during the "Ceausescu era", Romanian communism, approached here as romantic Leninism, understood and reacted against the "bourgeois" notion of human rights, along with its permanent and unsuccessful efforts of replacing it with its own human rights perspective.
Key words: romantic leninism, systemic leninism, european security, human rights, ideology
Liviu CĂRARE « Back
The conclusions of the investigations Commission for "Research of the irregularities made for the evacuation of the Jews from Cernăuţi" (1941)
The events in Czernowitz during 1941-1942 are a constituent part of the phenomenon of "ethnic cleansing" developed by the Romanian state immediately after the reconquest of the territories ceded to the USSR in the summer of 1940. The Jewish population of the city was enclosed in a ghetto as a preliminary measure to their deportation to Transnistria. The deportations were halted three days later because the Romanian authorities had realized that the majority of professionals and technicians in Czernowitz were Jews. These actions were possible due to the Mayor of Czernowitz, Dr. Traian Popovici, who managed to persuade the Romanian military governor and the head of state, Ion Antonescu to spare 20,000 Jews from deportation, claiming that they were vital to the economic stability of the town. The mayor attempted to stop deportations, issuing more than 3,000 certificates of exemption from deportation, but the officials of the municipality, the police, and the gendarmerie extorted enormous sums of money in return for these exemptions. Many Jews were deported even after they paid the ransom. The report captures the details of the establishment of Czernowitz ghetto, planning and organization of the deportations, but also how mayor Traian Popovici and other members of the sorting commission prepared the tables with Jewish experts in Czernowitz, saving from deportation sometimes even whole families.
Key words: Jews, Czernowitz, Traian Popovici, ghetto, deportation
Katalin PRUNEL « Back
Hungarians living in Romania between 1956-1965. Minority status and communitarian identity
The working paper tries to analyze the situation of the Hungarian minority living in Romania between 1956-1965, from the political, judicial and diplomatic point of view of the Romanian-Hungarian bilateral relation. Which have been the aspects the Budapest officials have insisted on? When did Budapest finally rediscover, officially, the "Hungarian problem"? In order to have a wide perspective of the situation of the Hungarian minority in Romania, I summarized how the Romanian communist power dealt with the issue of the protection of national minorities. I also tried to show the main bilateral political contacts, and also the crisis points, namely those events in Romania and in Hungary which have influenced positively or negatively the situation of the Hungarian minority.
Key words: Romanian-Hungarian relations, Hungarian minority, communism, individual rights, collective rights, Transylvania, Nationalities' Status, Autonomous Hungarian Region, the 1956 Revolution, Minorities' Treaties.
Adinel DINCĂ « Back
Dating of medieval Latin manuscripts. Methodological Evaluations
Assigning a date to handwritten texts of the Middle Ages is one of the essential yet most arduous tasks of manuscript studies. The present study surveys criteria and methods that must be considered in dating medieval manuscripts kept in Romanian libraries. A distinction is made between biographical and text-critical elements, non-graphical (i.e. codicological and historical) details and graphical (palaeographical and decorative) elements.
Key words: Latin Palaeography, Codicology, Manuscript Studies, Dating of Manuscripts
Tudor-Radu TIRON « Back
Beginnings of Transylvanian emblem in the spot of illustrated external evidences from the Fiftieth century until the Seventieth century
En ses grandes lignes, l'histoire des armoiries de Transylvanie est connue aux spécialistes. On a tombé d'accord sur le fait que l'apparition dudit blason a eu lieu seulement vers la fin du XVIe siecle, ainsi qu'attestent plusieurs objets a caractere héraldique associés aux princes de la famille Báthory. En principe, l'assertion est correcte, mais seulement en ce qui concerne les sources internes. Des sources externes, inédites ou peu connues a la recherche de profil, ont prouvé que l'origine de toutes les éléments du blason transylvain (ça veut dire l'aigle, les sept tours et les astres), est antérieure au moment 1580, date inscrite sur la médaille de Christophe Báthory, ou sont figurées tous les éléments de l'héraldique d'Etat de la Principauté. Fait certain est qu'un armorial germanique - qui précede avec une cinquantaine d'années le moment de l'émission de la médaille précitée - nous donne les armes presque identiques de la Principauté et, par conséquence, nous offrent une nouvelle « date de naissance » de cet blason (qui fait toujours partie des armes d'Etat de Roumanie). Apres ça, nous avons approfondi l'héraldique des Báthory, et particulierement du prince Sigismond, en identifiant armoiries et emblemes illustrant son « projet dacique », aussi qu'une étrange représentation héraldique liée aux croyances astronomique du temps. Enfin, tous ces éléments nous ont donné l'occasion de passer en revue et de commenter les arguments des spécialistes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, en essayant de retenir ce qu'il est notable dans le processus de l'apparition des armoiries transylvaines.
Key words: armaires, blabon, médaille, héraldigne
Dragoş SDROBIŞ « Back
National and nationalism in Romanian interwar education (1918-1939)
Modernity may be interpreted as a way to enforce an alphabetised society. It is obvious that education was supposed to be more than a cultural demarche, it should become a vector for a new identity. Education could be seen as a main tool in the process of the nation building, a way of of reinforcing a new identity. The power of discourse, in a foucaultian sense, was a tool no longer ignored by the intellectual elites.
The interwar Romania was a part of this process of reinventing identities. The nationalistic ideology had to face the challenges of the Versailles Treaty stipulations. A nation that believed the enemy was abroad and that the Romanian nation should live in a national state was not able to explain the weight of ethnic minorities in the state that should be a kind of historical apotheosis: The Great Romania. Education, which is the expression of the symbolical power of the intellectuals, took the lead. And the nationalistic discourse was supposed to be the perfect answer for the identity crisis. This could be the reason of the xenophobic development in Romania and of the nationalistic ideology return during Ceausescu's communist regime.
Key words: Intellectual elite, nation building, education, discourse, xenophobia, Great Romania
Stelian Mândruţ « Back
"Prolegomena" or "pages" from the past of an Institution. II. (1925-1935)
Key words: