Cei care uită trecutul sunt condamnaţi să îl repete (George Santayana, 1863-1952)
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The Founding and First Years of Activity
of the Foundation of Romanian Journalists
in Hungary (1910-1914)

Răducu RUŞEŢ

The present study proposes to approach both a history matter of the Romanian press in the Habsburg Monarchy, and a theme that incorporates the social history of editor groups and their validation as distinct socio-professional entities in 19th century and beginning of 20th century Transylvania. This paper, put forward for debate and historiographic interpretation, proposes the presentation of the historical context and the ensemble of endeavors that led to the creation of this foundation, as well as its first years of activity. The aspects described within this work have as main purpose to demonstrate the professionalization of journalists in Hungary by assuming a veritable modern profession, as well as the social validation attributed to these Romanian intellectuals and journalists, highlighted through their daily editorial activity. We are trying to observe the manner in which this institutionalization and professionalization of Romanian journalists evolved throughout time, analyzed at political-administrative and socio-professional level, in the era of nationalities and national states. We are starting our excursus with the primary, initial journalism stage, a stage of initiatives and attempts, in which poets, writers and men of letters practiced their writing styles within the pages of newspapers, serials and magazines, reaching up to the beginning of the 19th century, when Romanian journalists were hired in well-defined professional entities, hierarchically structured and internationally recognized, such as press offices, professional foundations and syndicates. All of these were possible through the creation, at the beginning of the 20th century, of The Foundation of Romanian Journalists in Hungary.
press, journalism, foundation, professionalization, intellectuality, gazetteers