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Reviewing of Articles

The papers proposed for publication in the Yearbook are subject to an evaluation and selection process in terms of quality and scientific standards.
Being published under the aegis of the Institute of History George Bariţiu of the Romanian Academy, the Yearbook promotes the publication of research results for the members of the Institute, but also encourages all members of the scientific community - domestic and foreign - to publish their research.
The evaluation process of the published papers is based on several stages, of which the most important one is the peer review system. It is based on accepted European principles: excellence, impartiality, transparency, efficiency, confidentiality, research ethics, accountability for the quality of work, avoiding conflict of interest.
The Yearbook uses the double-blind review system, where the reviewers do not know the identity of the reviewed and vice versa. The evaluation system meets the mandatory assessment steps, as they are developed by European Science Foundation in the European Peer Review Guide.
Thus, the following elements are strictly observed: the preparatory phase when timing and the topic of the issue to be published are discussed; the next phase is the publicly announced Call for Papers, posted on the Yearbook's site and other sites with special concerns for the academic community profile. The processing of the applications is the next step of the process, selecting reviewers according to the submitted papers, an operation performed by the editorial board; the actual evaluation "peer review" follows after this step. The evaluation of the submitted material is based on a pre-established scale and applied uniformly to all articles and studies, but this procedure can be adapted to the specific theme, of course by keeping the main indicators.
The viewers are usually members of the scientific editing board of the Yearbook, and in some cases, when a conflict of interests or a specific theme requires, it is used to call on experts from other research centers and universities in the country and abroad. Decisions concerning the arrangement of materials to be published and the preparation of the Yearbook for print are the next mandatory stages in the editorial staff's policy. The arrangement of materials and the preparation of the contents belong to the Editorial Board. All these decisions are subject to discussion by the Institute's Scientific Council as well.
Reviewers are renowned specialists in the specialized fields that fit the themes proposed for publication, as emphasized by the Scientific Committee member list, which can be found here.

The Evaluation Form for Referees can be downloaded from here.