Editors Note Editors
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Rome and the Province of Dacia in Antiquity – The Italians, Romanians And Europe in Modern Times - Coordinates of a Relationship between the Past and Present | Pages |
The architecture of space and the Roman ”villa”. Italian paradigms and the provincial realities of Roman Dacia DRAGOȘ BLAGA
| PDF abstract | 3-19 |
Alcuni momenti delle relazioni politiche e culturali fra Italia e Romania nel corso del Novecento STEFANO SANTORO
| PDF abstract | 21-34 |
Caracteristici ale diplomației româno-italiene în perioada 1965-1971 MARIA IOANA RUS
| PDF abstract | 35-43 |
Romanian-Italian Relations within the European Union DENISA ALBU
| PDF abstract | 45-51 |
Towards a ”Europe of regions”. The regionalization systems in the European Union: Italy, Poland and Romania. A comparative analysis ANAMARIA LOREDANA IANOȘI
| PDF abstract | 53-62 |
The evolution of the Lega Nord Party between March 2018 – August 2020 and the effects on the European political spectrum ALEXANDRU IONUȚ DRĂGULIN
| PDF abstract | 64-68 |
Immagini dell’Africano in Romania e Italia. La cultura dell’ aiuto sostenibile DIANA SFETLANA STOICA
| PDF abstract | 69-78 |
The public legal education in Romania and Italy. A comparative perspective RALUCA LAURA DORNEAN PĂUNESCU
| PDF abstract | 79-88 |
Aspects regarding the fundamental rights of Romanians in Italy PAUL POPA
| PDF abstract | 89-96 |
Qualified migrations inside and outside the European Union and the Italian case ANTONIO RICCI
| PDF abstract | 97-108 |
Anti-EU disinformation in the Italian and Romanian social-media SUSANA DRAGOMIR
| PDF abstract | 109-126 |
The Romanian community in Italy. An analysis from the perspective of public discourse and public policies in Italy (2000-2020) CLAUDIA DĂRĂBAN
| PDF abstract | 127-133 |
The evolution of italian foreign investments in Bihor County MARIANA FLORINA BOCOI
| PDF abstract | 135-143 |
Nation, Culture, Identity: From Early Modernity until the 21st Century | Pages |
Insights into everyday life in Habsburg Banat. Sources and methods for the history of material culture in 18th Century SANDRA HIRSCH
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147-156 |
Roma fiddlers during the events organized at the princely and boyar courts in the Principality CRISTINEL CONSTANTIN ROMAN
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157-165 |
The histor(iograph)y of Istoria ieroglifică (1705) ȘTEFAN ȘUTEU
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167-177 |
The typology of the dynastic loyalty in the novel The March of Radetzky written by Joseph Roth and the Romanian writings from Transylvania (1848-1916)) ALEXANDRU BUD
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179-187 |
The Romanian associationist movement in Bucovina in the second half of the 19th Century MIRELA TOPOLICEANU
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189-197 |
Iuliu Moisil's role in the emerge and development of popular banks in the Old Kingdom LAVINIA MOLDOVAN
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199-209 |
Ethnography and national identity in Cluj after the Great Union. Some considerations LAURA CRISTINA POP
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211-216 |
Emigration of aromanians in the interwar period NATALIA VASILICA SABOU
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217-223 |
The activity of the gendarmerie from Cluj County in front of the daily challenges between 1929-1938 ANCA GABRIELA MICAȘ
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225-233 |
Competing identities in the ex-Soviet space: the Republic of Moldova`s identity crisis in light of its frozen conflict in Transnistria VALERIA CHELARU
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235-248 |
Education on the Bârgău Valley ANGELO AURELIAN MANEA
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249-258 |
The evolution of mixed marriages within the Ruscova Valley communities in the 20th Century. Analysis of the Ruscova commune between 1930-2010 GHEORGHE BENZAR
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259-267 |
The natural components of the territory with a Romanian Population in Northern Maramureş VASILE CONSTANTIN ȚIPLEA, NICOLAE HODOR
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269-292 |
Church and State, Religion, Culture, Ideologies | Pages |
Ioseph and Aseneth – readings of the conversion story OANA TINCA
| PDF abstract | 295-301 |
The ideal of Deification in 17th Century England: the Whichcote-Tuckney Debate BOGDAN DEZNAN
| PDF abstract | 303-308 |
Greek alliances and conflicts with local authorities and orthodox communities in the context of building the Greek churches in Transylvania BOGDAN EUGEN ANAGNASTOPOL
| PDF abstract | 309-317 |
Guides for souls. Romanian priests from the former Năsăud District during the Great War ANDREEA EMANUELA TRIFAN
| PDF abstract | 319-327 |
Aspects regarding the role of the Romania-Holy See Concordat in their diplomatic relations IOAN TUDOR FELEZEU
| PDF abstract | 329-336 |
The position of the Holy See towards Romania at the end of the Second World War. A few considerations IOAN TUDOR FELEZEU
| PDF abstract | 337-342 |
Aspects regarding the painting of the orthodox churches during the communist period in the Archdiocese of Timișoara and Caransebeș - 1948-1965 CRISTINA TUDOR
| PDF abstract | 343-350 |
Church, State and ecclesiastical discipline during the communist period ROXANA MOTOCEANU
| PDF abstract | 359-366 |
Secularism in modern Turkey ANCUȚA DUMITRIȚA DOCE
| PDF abstract | 295-301 |
Communism and the post-Totalitary Transition in Romania. State, Society, Identity | Pages |
”The books of the Aiud Re-education”. An Anti-Memory of the Romanian gulag DRAGOȘ DUMITRU URSU
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369-378 |
1965 – 1966. An exercise ANDREI ROSETTI
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379-386 |
The Alternative Economy: Informal practices under communism and their post-communism counter-parts VLAD ONACIU
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387-395 |
The theories of the Romanian Revolution in the vision of those who worked in D. S. S. Caste study: Filip Teodorescu and Cristian Troncotă SORIN GĂINĂ
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397-406 |
Juvenile delinquency, migration and disability: the three sides of otherness and management MIHAI PREDESCU
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407-413 |
Crafting as a lifestyle. The Roma communities’ occupations during the communist period in Transylvania DIANA ALEXANDRA NISTOR
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415-422 |
International Roma Day. Historical, cultural and symbolic perspectives MARIUS LAKATOS-IANCU
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423-431 |
Gypsy clans and organized clans, realities and legends EUGEN BĂICAN, IOAN COMAN
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433-449 |
The Arab-Islamic community in Romania: the struggle for representation CRISTIAN MARIȘ
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451-460 |
Romania and the European Context. Policies and International Relations | Pages |
Romania: first steps to stimulate the regional development in a European context ELENA GRAD-RUSU
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463-469 |
Debates on the future of the European Union: positions of the member states OVIDIU LUNGU
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471-480 |
The political-institutional Consequences of the Dayton Peace Agreement. International involvement and the impact of Europeanization in the transition process of Bosnia and Herzegovina IONELA-SORINA APETREI
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481-490 |
The accession negotiations between Turkey and the European Union NICOLETA EMILIA ȘCHIOP
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491-500 |
The village - the main component of the European rural area GABRIEL BONACIU
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501-508 |
Digitalisation of the energy sector in the international relations MIHAI IONUȚ RUSU
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509-517 |
Political Personalization and Personalized Politics. The case of the Romanian Social Democratic Party between 2015 and 2019 MARIUS NICOLAE GRAD
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519-527 |
Remigration of Romanians during the COVID-19 pandemic and the migration prospects for the post-pandemic era SIMONA ANDRA HERCZEG
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529-538 |
The impact of COVID-19 over the dynamics of european security strategy RAMONA SFERLIC
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539-546 |
The European Union's reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic economic and social measures adopted DIANA GLIGOR
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547-554 |
Aspects regarding the expression of politics in the public space. The tradition of "Monday night" protests in Eastern Germany MIROSLAV STANICI
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555-565 |
Festina Lente: Tracking the Slow Movement in a Globalised World IULIA ANAMARIA GHIDIU
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567-575 |
The debate in the Iranian academic environment on the normalization of relations between the UAE and Israel and the impact on the regional position of the Islamic Republic of Iran SERGIU CONSTANTIN DUR
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577-583 |
Sacrificing democratization for the sake of NEPAD. South Africa's relation with Zimbabwe in the early 2000's DAN PETRICA
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585-597 |
The role of civil society organizations in the democracy-related processes of Zimbabwe DAN PETRICA
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599-608 |
Educational Strategies, Development and Cultural Interference, Structures of the Imaginary | Pages |
Resistance to change in educational systems. The human factor IOANA DÂRJAN
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611-619 |
Axiologicals premises in evaluating innovative educational paradigms. A philosophical approach ANCA FLOREA
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621-627 |
History and the past as seen in Mihail Sadoveanu's literature IULIANA MARIA GAVRILĂ
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629-635 |
Symbols from the village: nature and meanings in Mihail Sadoveanu's literature IULIANA MARIA GAVRILĂ
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637-643 |
The art must be beautiful...? LOREDANA TÎRZIORU
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645-652 |
Romania as the New Barbaric Periphery of Europe in Lucian Pintilie’s post-1990 Films DANIEL IFTENE
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653-661 |
Documentary theatre and its relationship with lived history ALEXANDRA FELSEGHI
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663-669 |
The artist-manager - Between management and leadership in Romanian cultural sector IVONA TĂTAR-VÂSTRAȘ
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671-678 |
Listeners change the frequency. From fastradio to podcast or à la carte radio MARTA RAMONA NOVĂCEANU (OPREA)
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679-685 |
Acting for Screen Versus Stage Acting in the Casting Process. Romania and European Influences DIANA ALDEA
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687-697 |
The contribution of actors to the life of detainees and the impact they have in the process of social reintegration NICOLETA MĂDĂLINA AILINCĂI
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699-707 |
The magic-sorcery in the past and present ALINA LAKATOS-IANCU
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709-720 |
Generation Z: characteristics, social networks and political behavior RALUCA LUȚAI
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709-720 |