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INHALTSANGABE - Jahrbuch No LI des Jahres 2012
Şerban TURCUŞ | Die Anthroponyme in Siebenbürgen im zwölften Jahrhundert. Die Liste mit den Angehörigen der Arader Präpositur | PDF Abstract |
Adinel DINCĂ | Anthroponymie und Ethnizität im mittelalterlichen Siebenbenbürgen. (Das Angevin-eitalter) | PDF Abstract |
Susana ANDEA | Fürstliche Autorität zwischen gesetzlichen Regelungen und staatlicher Macht. Die Herrschaft von Michael Apafi | PDF Abstract |
Livia MAGINA | Rechtliche Befugnisse des Dorfbeamten in der Gesetzgebung des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts in Siebenbürgen | PDF Abstract |
Florin Nicolae ARDELEAN | Flaggen von ausländischen Söldnern im Fürstenhof von Michael Apafi (1663-1684) | PDF Abstract |
Veronica TURCUŞ | Das Fürstentum Siebenbürgen in den Zwischenkriegszeit-Publikationen der Rumänischen Schule in Rom (das 17 Jahrhundert) | PDF Abstract |
Remus CÂMPEANU | Die Unierte Kirche in Siebenbürgen und ihre Beziehungen zu der Erzdiözese Esztergom in der frühen religiösen Vereinigung im Lichte der jüngsten Forschungen der Stiftung Pro Oriente | PDF Abstract |
Octavian SILIVESTRU | Die jüdische Frage "gelöst": Der antisemitische Diskurs in Rumänien nach dem Berliner Kongress (1878-1879) | PDF Abstract |
Mihai A. PANU | Das Konzept der "ethnischen Elite" im rumänischen eugenischen Diskurs in der Zwischenkriegszeit | PDF Abstract |
Florin ABRAHAM | Geschichtsschreibung und soziales Gedächtnis in Rumänien nach 1989 | PDF Abstract |
Grigore Claudiu MOLDOVAN | Sowjetisierung der Geschichtsschreibung zur Zeit des Kulturellen Stalinismus. Neue Perspektiven. | PDF Abstract |
Oana-Cristina POPA | Mythen und Symbole in den Kriegen Ex-Jugoslawiens (1991-1999) | PDF Abstract |
Ela COSMA | Diplomatie und Krieg. Österreichisch-russische Konkurrenz und die ersten konsularischen Versuche in Karadordes Serbien | PDF Abstract |
Cristian-Constantin ŞIPEŢEAN | Wirtschaftliche und politische Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und afrikanischen Ländern während des totalitären Regimes (1965-1980) | PDF Abstract |
Irina NASTASĂ-MATEI | Emil Cioran in der peregrinatio academica, 1933-1945 | PDF Abstract |
Dragoş SDROBIŞ | Die Eliten und die Universität in Rumänien der Zwischenkriegszeit. Das Problem der "intellektuellen Arbeitslosigkeit" | PDF Abstract |
Andrei Florin SORA | Die Schulauswahl der Mitglieder der rumänischen Präfekturgemeinschaft, 1918-1940 | PDF Abstract |
Zoltán GYÖRKE | Die Präfekten der Kreisverwaltung Klausenburg: prosopographische Analyse | PDF Abstract |
Vasile PUŞCAŞ | Mihail Manoilescu - Wirtschaftliches Denken und wirtschaftliche Realität | PDF Abstract |
Veronica TURCUŞ | Wandlungen der Rumänischen Akademie unter dem Kommunismus. Die Beziehungen zum italienischen akademischen Raum: Giuseppe Lugli - Mitglied der Rumänischen Akademie | PDF Abstract |
Miodrag MATICKI | Die Versuchung des Homo Europaeus von Victor Neumann, aus der Perspektive der serbo-kroatischen Kultur | PDF
REZENSIONEN | Inhalt Buchrezensionen | PDF
BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE ANGABEN | Inhalt Bibliographische Noten | PDF
Die neunte Arbeitssitzung der Gemeinsamen Kommission für rumänisch-slowakische Geschichte (Alba Iulia, 19-23 September 2011) (Nicolae Edroiu) | PDF
Die internationale Konferenz "Recent Studies on Past and Present: New Sources, New Methods or a New Public?" (Bukarest, 25-27 September 2011) (Cristian Şipeţeanu) | PDF
Arbeitsseminar. Angewandte Paläographie. Das 18 und 19 Jahrhundert in Zentral- und Osteuropa. Klausenburg, 22-23 November 2011 (Ela Cosma) | PDF
Wissenschaftliche Tagung: Hundertjahrfeier Mihail P. Dan und Francisc Pall (Klausenburg, 23 November 2011) (Nicolae Edroiu) | PDF
Die wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit des Instituts für Geschichte "George Baritiu" im Jahr 2011 (Susana Andea) | PDF
Abstracts / Résumé / Zusammenfassungen
Şerban Turcuş « Back
Antroponimele din Transilvania în secolul al XII-lea. Lista dependenţilor prepoziturii de Arad
One of the most interesting documents in Romanian historiography, with specific
reference to Transylvania, is a strengthening of legal property of Arad Prepositura (Latin
term referring to leading clerical position in different religious congregations), legislated by
Hungarian King Emeric II, document placed by the editors of collection "Documents
regarding History of Romania" sometime in 1202-1203. In fact this is an acknowledgment
of property and people depending of Arad Prepositura, based on the document issued in
1177 by King Bella III.
There have been registered 373 anthroponomy units of which proudly our wine
historiography extracts 164 names. But these owners brought and got involved in most cases
one, two, three, four or five individuals that were integrated in the category of dependents of
Arad Prepositura. The total number of reviewed dependents is 747 units. Basically other 374
people are not nominated, but are enrolled in the dependence of eclezial structure.
Anthroponomical register of the document of 1177 is clearly "multiethnic" and
multicultural. Record names looks over anthroponomy from almost every corner of
Christianitas in its European areas and from Commonwealth's space of
Constantinopolitan management and some units that are descendants of migrants
onomastic with Asian origins of the time.
The Christian anthroponomy revealed by the document legislated in 1177 and copied
in 1202-1203 are in alphabetical order: Achilleus, Adrian, Ambreus, Amen, Andreas-Andrei
(2), Benedict (2), Beniamin, Boson, Clemens, Cosma (4), Dumitru, Eliseu (2), Filip (2),
Gervasiu, Grigore, Iacob (3), Ilarie, Ioachim (2), Ioan (13), Iordan (2), Kilian, Marcel (2),
Martin (2), Mathias, Mica, Michael (2), Nicolaus (5 with diminutives), Oliver, Othmar,
Otons (2), Paul (7), Petru (14), Sanctus, Saul (4), Sebastian, Semen, Simon, Stefan (4),
Toma, Vitalius, Zaharia, Zaheu (2).
Christian names are 42 units while the name unfrequented in the Christian calendar
sums up a figure of 271 relevant units. If for the names having the custody of the Church, as
I have found many uses with 14 repetitions for Peter, 2 repetitions for Andrew, Benedict,
Michael or Zacchaeus etc. meaning 19 names that are multiplied by their carriers, in the
other name category of the 271 anthroponyms repeats only Boz (2), Forcos (2), Fulcus (2),
Pousa (3), Teca (3). It can be seen without constraints and reluctance that anthroponyms
unapproved by the Church have a richness and a numeric exoticism that will only repeat
again in Oradea`s Register, afterwards with few exceptions being swept by the ecclesiastical
authorities of the list of names worthy to be used in baptism.
This document sets our position at a time when Transylvania was not reached in any
dimension by the onomastic revolution and Christian names (of Greek, Latin, Jewish vetero
and New Testament) are facing strong dynamics with the tribal names and with those
unsupported by Church.
Keywords: Anthroponomy, Prepositura, dependents, Arad, Onomastic Revolution
Adinel DINCĂ « Back
Antroponimie şi etnie în Transilvania medievală (Epoca angevină)
The present study aims to determine and circumscribe the main research directions
to be followed in the study of proper names of the Romanian and Saxon settlers before 1400 in
Transylvania, with a special regard on isolating the specific anthroponomical elements, the
analysis criteria and the limits of such an approach. Current studies dedicated to the Saxon and
Romanian anthroponomical funds have been focused on the family names of higher class
individuals, especially members of the clergy; the analysis of names was based without
exception on case studies or "monographs" of some particular anthroponyms or assessments
made with respect to practices that determine the denomination within a family, or was
intended to provide additional evidence to a specific historical argument. The author takes a
new look on medieval documents containing Saxon and Romanian names in Transylvania,
formulating a number of considerations and explanations on the structure of Transylvanian
names in the XIVth century (single or double), the sequence of names in the family, the
relationship between names and social structure or area of practice and anthroponomical
geography. Such a renewed view of the anthroponomical Transylvanian theme arises a number
of issues that either require review and nuance, or a more intense step on investigating the
factors of influence that have shaped the anthroponomical identity of medieval Transylvanians.
Keywords: Medieval Transylvania, Anthroponomy, Ethnicity
Susana ANDEA « Back
Autoritatea princiară între reglementări juridice şi puterea stărilor. Domnia lui Mihai Apafi
The present paper offers an analysis regarding the authority of Michael Appafi,
prince of Transylvania, in comparison to Gabriel Bethlen's and George Rakoczi's I. The
political context and the terms imposed by the Estates after their ascension to the throne are
compared gradually, as well as the economical and military aspects and the princely
authority in relation to the Transylvanian Estates. This approach allows a more nuanced
reflection on the longest reign in the history of the Principality of Transylvania (Michael
Appafi, 1661-1690). It is considered that only the final part of his reign (particularly after
1683) was the time when the group of nobles surrounding the prince imposes its own policy
and influence, as a result of a changing balance of power between the Habsburg and the
Ottoman empires.
Key words: Transylvania, Michael Appafi, Gabriel Bethlen, George Rákoczi, princely
Livia MAGINA « Back
Prerogativle juridice ale judelui sătesc în legislaţia secolului al XVII-lea în Transilvania
The restoring of an institution with a long period of existence as that of iudex
pagi assumes to analyze and expose the institution functions as its are reveal in the
legislation of that period. Out of the many functions that the judge was in charge of for
village (economic, religious, etc.) the legal attributions underlying the institutional
body. The main corpuses of this period, Approbatae Constitutiones, Compilatae
Constitutiones create the legislative framework to continue the existence and
functioning of this institution, but also the corpuses of the XVIth century are very
important. Among the legal duties is catching criminals, keeping animals lost,
presentation in court as a witness in a lot of cases, from issues of moral behaviour to
the drawings of the borders, the cases between the villagers or between them and the
master or between locals and foreigners. A special mention is that the judge has a form
of payment according to the value of the cases judged in the village court. Considering
this attribution and the other aspects of the functioning of institution, is emerging the
importance of iudex pagi in his community.
Key words: iudex pagi, legislation, judicial powers, Principality of Transylvania in
XVIIth century
Florin Nicolae ARDELEAN « Back
Steaguri de mercenari străini la curtea lui Mihai Apafi (1663-1684)
The military innovations of the early modern period had a considerable
influence on the Transylvanian principality. In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth century
most European armies had compact groups of foreign soldiers, recruited for their
efficiency and their ability to use the new weapons of that period. For similar reasons
the Transylvanian rulers employed foreign soldiers, usually as a part of their guard.
Although he was not considered a strong prince, with remarkable political or military
accomplishments, Michael Apafi had a significant group of mercenaries at his disposal.
According to the official documents of the princely court from the period 1663-1684,
the army of the court consisted of: two units of German soldiers, one unit of Seimeni
(Walachians, Moldavians and Serbs), one unit of Hungarian soldiers, three units of
Polish soldiers (the so called French companies) and 10-13 of Hungarian cavalry
units. Maintaining this small standing army, in spite the high costs it involved, is a poof
of Apafi's intention to restore the political influence and prestige of Transylvania.
Key words: Transylvania, principality, mercenaries, cavalry, infantry, Germans,
Seimeni, Hungarians
Veronica TURCUŞ « Back
Principatul Transilvaniei în publicaţiile interbelice ale Şcolii Române din Roma (secolul al XVII-lea)
Romanian schools in France and Rome were founded at the beginning of the 1920's
as post-graduate learning institutions intended for the specialization of young stipendiaries in
such domains as Ancient History and Archeolgy, Medieval and Modern History, Auxiliary
Sciences, Romanic Philology, Art History, but also Architecture and Fine Arts. Archival
research has held an important role both in the study programmes of the Romanian School in
France led by Nicolae Iorga and in those established in the Romanian School in Rome by the
founding headmaster Vasile Pârvan. In the inter-war period the Romanian School from the
capital of Italy had a permanent contingent of 3-4 stipendiaries, all coming from the four
university centers of the whole Romania, who had archival research in progress, targeted on
the subject of Oriental Romanity. The research programme set by headmaster Pârvan was a
coherent one, of positivistic inspiration and it was very strictly organized from a chronological
point of view. The results of the research, conducted mainly at Archivio Segreto Vaticano,
Archivio della Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide or in a series of funds belonging to
Roman nobility were published in the beginning in "Ephemeris Dacoromana. Annuario della
Scuola Romena di Roma", a periodical which first appeared in 1925, including the works
ellaborated by the first generation of stipendiaries in 1923 and later on appeared in the
School's archivistical yearbook titled "Diplomatarium Italicum. Documenti raccolti negli
archivi italiani", a bulletin founded in 1926. The documents edited in the yearbooks of the
Romanian School in Rome by a series of stipendiaries of the institution such as Claudiu
Isopescu, G. Călinescu, V. Vasiliu, N. Buta, I. Moga, A. Mesrobeanu, C. Radu, D. Găzdaru,
M. Berza, A. Decei, Gh. Vinulescu, F. Pall, offer a perspective on the situation in the Romanian
countries, such as it could be observed from the Roman Curia, based on information gathered
by Catholic missionaries, by the provincial Jesuits, by the archbishops in the area, by the
nuntius in Vienna or in Poland. From the same perspective, the documents edited in the interar period in the yearbooks of the Romanian School in Rome, offer us an image of the evolution
of the Transylvanian Principality in the XVII-th century, with more generous information
concerning the years when the principality played an important role in the political and
military evolutions in the area, especially in the context of the anti-Ottoman empire actions
stimulated by the Habsburg empire and under the patronage of the Holy See. The overview on
Transilvanian Principality in the XVII-th century, such as it emerges from the documents
published in the inter-war period by the archivistic-stipendiaries of the Romanian School in
Rome in the respective yearbooks, is noted from the Roman Church's point of view, from that of
Vatican authorities based on the nuntius' information and those of the Counter Reformation
agents in the area, mirroring especially those aspects in Transylvanian evolution which
interested the Holly See: the unfolding - thoroughly noted - of the military and political events
in the principality, on the background of numerous conflicts in the region and within the
general context of the anti-Ottoman policy maintained by the Apostolic See. Also noted was the
confessional situation, set against the background of the Counter Reformation and the interest
regarding its progress in the area.
Key words: Romanian School in Rome, archivistic, Catholic missionaries, Transylvanian
Principality, Counter Reformation
Remus CÂMPEANU « Back
Biserica unită din Transilvania şi relaţiile ei cu Arhiepiscopia de Esztergom la începuturil unirii religioase, în lumina cercetărilor recente ale Fundaţiei Pro Oriente
For over ten years, Pro Oriente Foundation in Vienna included among its
historical research projects the issue of the Religious Union of the Romanians from
Transylvania with the Church of Rome. This initiative belonged to Professor Ernst
Christoph Suttner and it was extremely important because, as it is known, Religious
Union of the Romanians with the Church of Rome gave rise to a strong and long
controversy between historians and theologians in Romania, according to their
religious affiliation. Until today, it was not formulated a common historical point of vue
on this issue and, therefore, Pro Oriente Foundation proposed to organize some
conferences and to publish several volumes which brings together common opinions
tied to this topic, belonging to Romanian Orthodox and Greek-Catholic specialists.
Several historians and theologians from abroad were to rule on the subject. This study
presents only one of the many aspects concerning the Religious Union that Pro Oriente
Foundation has investigated in recent years, namely whether the first Greek Catholic
Bishop of Transylvania was or not invested again as a bishop in the first stage of
Religious Union by its new Catholics prelats from Hungary and Austria, when after,
early in his career, was appointed in Bucharest as Transylvanian Orthodox bishop by
the hierarchy of the Orthodox Church. As it is shown in this study, the problem is
difficult to be clarified even by the recent researches, due to the lack of the archival
documents and because of powerful historical and political sensitivities that Religious
Union continues to generate.
Key words: Transylvania, Romanians, Religious Union, historiographical disputes.
Octavian SILIVESTRU « Back
The Jewish Question "resolved": The anti-Semitic discourse in Romania after the Congress of Berlin (1878-1879)
In the light of the recent theoretical developments on 19th -century anti-Semitism,
this article aims to offer a synthesis and a critical reconsideration of the corpus of Romanian
anti-Semitic discourses of the late 1870s, mainly focusing on the public and political debate
on the legal situation of Romanian Jews following the Congress of Berlin. Building on a
wide range of Romanian sources pertaining to the Jewish question - including newspaper
articles, pamphlets, parliamentary and electoral speeches - the study offers a thorough
contextualization of the main discursive strategies employed in the public debates and
attempts to outline the roles played by anti-Semitic discourses in shaping the local political
balance of power, the sense of national cohesion as well as the specific cultural
representations of Western Europe and the modern values it represented.
Key words: anti-Semitism; nationalism; Jewish question; modernity; politics
Mihai A. PANU « Back
The concept of ethnic elite in the interwar Romanian eugenic discourse
This paper attempts to generally deal with the problem of national identity in
interwar Romania, focusing primarily on the mechanisms of ethnic representation in the
eugenic scientific discourse as part of this identity construction. In this respect a major
objective of this analysis is to answer the following question: What is the contribution of the
Romanian eugenic school in generating the national-identity related concepts such as
"ethnic elite"? The concept of "ethnic elite" is symptomatic and decisive for understanding
the key factors in the process of national identity formation in 20th century Romania.
Key words: ethnic elite, eugenics, nationalism, ballast minorities, interwar Romania
Florin ABRAHAM « Back
Istoriografie şi memorie socială în România după 1989
The research aims to answer the question "How does historiography
influence the formation of social memory of a community?" The case study aims to
analyze democratic memory in Romania after 1989. The research follows two stages.
First, we analyze the main features of the historiography of the communist regime:
dominant ideology (anticommunism), thematic structure, dominant stylistic features,
inventory and estimation of its dissemination and circulation. Second, we study the
evolution of public sentiment towards the communist regime in Romania using
information provided by surveys of public opinion in relation to the socio-demographic
characteristics of the population. The main conclusion of the research is that
historiography is a product of elite, which has only minimal effects on social memory.
Key words: Romania, historiography, social memory, communism, democracy
Grigore Claudiu MOLDOVAN « Back
Sovietization of Historiography during Cultural Staklinism. New Perspectives
This study will adress Stalinism as the 'revolution imposed' on the countries of East
and Central Europe and in doing so it will analyze the cultural aspects of the process,
questioning its regional policies and practicies, with specific attention to historical writing. It will
examine the dialectics between intention and implementation arguing the priority of internal
(local) actors of the process, offering specific refference to the Romanian case and to aspects
of its deployment in a specific history production centre, namely the Cluj History Institute.
Key words: Stalinism, Sovietization, Cultural revolution, Historiography, Model.
Oana-Cristina POPA « Back
Myths and Symbols in the Wars of Ex-Yugoslavia (1991-1999)
The Balkans have long been a land of myths and symbols that have influenced the
actions of ordinary people and political leaders alike. The recent bloody wars of the former
Yugoslavia after 1990 have brought to live ancient legends, as well as contemporary myths
used as tools to justify and fuel etnic hatred and conflict. Today, as the region moves towards
European integration, new symbols arose, some ready to replace the old ones. Along with
them, the Balkans have a real chance to move out of the darkness into a brighter future.
Key words: myth, symbol, former Yugoslavia, war, ethnic conflict, Balkans
Ela COSMA « Back
Diplomaţie şi război. Competiţia austro-rusă şi primele tentative consulare în Serbia lui Karadorde
In their expansionist competition, both Russia and Austria alternated their
alliances with Karadorde's Serbians, engaged in the conflict against the Ottoman
Porte, with periods of retreat of their support. The oscillating attitude of the two great
powers is to be explained by the current necessities and the pursuance of their own
interests. Like the Romanian Principalities, Serbia too became an object of rivalries
between the imperial states, wishing to impose here their influence or domination.
During the first Serbian uprising (1804-1813), Russia exerted a contradictory attitude
on military and diplomatical level. Serbia instead displayed a constant sympathy,
regardless of any disappointments: Czartoryski's refusal to Matija Nenadovic's
embassy (1804), the failure of the first Tsarist diplomatic mission lead by the hostile
Rodofinikin (1807-1810). But Russia also sent enthusiastic emissaries: Isaev and
Paulucci (1807), Zuccato (1810), Marko Ivelic (1812). The uprisal defeat found the
Serbians alone in their confrontation with the Ottoman enemy, which would eventually
shake their reliance on the military power and political will of the Tsarist Empire to
support them.
Neither showed Austria more compassion and correctness in the bilateral relations
with Karadorde's Serbians. The positive side consisted in Austria's modernization
efforts in Serbia, especially in terms of market economy and Western civilization model.
The negative side is linked with the Habsburg Empire's interests, the promotion of the
status quo in the Balkans, with the sacrifice of the smaller nations striving for statal
autonomy. In fact, the Serbians perceived Austria's timing game as an endless line of
betrayals. Rodofinikin's mission to Belgrade determined Austria's reaction to propose
a consul as well. The first Habsburg attempt in 1809-1810 to institutionalize the
Austro-Serbian relations by creating an Austrian consulate went hand in hand with the
Monarchy's endeavour of taking over the role of a mediator in the Turkish-Serbian
conflict. The general commander of the Slavonian and Syrmian military border, baron
Simbschen, was charged with diplomatic powers in the Serbian cause. But Simbschen's
negociations failed and he was dismissed.
The espionage networks built up by Rodofinikin and Simbschen fell together with their
initiators. Equally secret, the projects for a Serbian constitution elaborated by the two
empires - projects based on the set up of the Romanian Principalities and of the
Austrian military border - reveal other thoughtful means envolved in the HabsburgTsarist competition for winning Serbia.
Both the question of the Serbian constitution and that of the establishment of foreign
consulates in Belgrade were to be solved in the fourth decade of the 19th century, when
Russia and Austria again assumed a major contribution.
Key words: Austro-Russian competition, Karadorde's Serbia, diplomacy, consular
Cristian-Constantin ŞIPEŢEAN « Back
Economic and political relations between Romania and African countries during the totalitarian regime (1965-1980)
Present article is trying to analyses the transformations of the African society, the
interactions in the globalized world, and the mutations of the political structures. The appeal
to the history is used for a better understanding of the contemporary evolutions of the
African continent and society, in a world where interdependent relations have a greater
value then national trends or state politics.
Key words: Sub-Saharian Africa, History of Africa, Communism, International Relations,
Emil Cioran în peregrinatio academica, 1933-1945
The years of Emil Cioran's intellectual formation, coinciding with those of
"initiation" in the political ideologies of the time, have a major significance in the biography of
the Romanian philosopher, and remained largely unknown until now. Peregrinatio academica
seems to have had a fundamental impact on his personal and academic development.
This article provides new information on the period between 1933 and 1944, when Cioran
was a student in the Third Reich and in France. We focus on the way in which the
philosopher managed to get the scholarships, the bureaucracy related to them, as well as the
cultural and ideological influences the study and living in these contries had on Cioran. We
also aim to capture aspects of daily life of Cioran in Germany and France, his relations with
various personalities of the time and the image the young philosopher had in the Romanian,
German and French cultural millieu.
Key words: Emil Cioran, Peregrinatio academica, the Third Reich, Fascism, Propaganda,
Cultural exchange.
Dragoş SDROBIŞ « Back
Elitele şi Universitatea în România interbelică. Problema "şomajului intelectual"
The superior education in the modern Romania was an important institution in
leading to social change by promoting a new social identity: the intellectual. Nevertheless, the
switch of the superior education into mass education after 1918 and the imbalance between
education and economy requests provoked an overproduction of licensed youth. This symptom
became more visible due to the great economic depression, that led to intellectual
unemployment. That is the reason why a new type of education had been promoted: the
directed education. More than that, the state's concern regarding this problem is obvious
in 1937, when a census of the intellectual unemployers is accomplished. Meanwhile, it
is reasonable to create a causal link between intellectual unemployment and the ascent
of the nationalistic political trends in the 1930s, as it was the legionary movement.
Key words: university, intellectual unemployment, directed education, intellectual unemployers
Andrei Florin SORA « Back
La sélection scolaire des membres du corps préfectoral roumain, 1918-1940
This paper presents the educational background of the agents of the central
power in the territory ('the prefectoral corps') between 1918 and 1940. The subjects of
our analysis are the prefects and theirs subordinates (the 'subprefect' and the 'pretor').
The purpose is to study the demands of the State concerning the formation of these civil
servants and the value of the higher education in their administrative career. After the
First World War, the number of students and higher education diplomas had increased
but this accumulation of human capital and the improvement of the higher education
system are not always noticeable in the prefectoral body formation, characterized by
geographic and generational disparities. A particular feature is that a lot of prefects drew
their political legitimacy on prestigious professions: lawyer, high school professor,
medicine doctor, military officer or priest.
Key words: interwar Romania, higher education, civil servants formation, prefectoral corps
Zoltán GYÖRKE « Back
Prefecţii Clujului: Analiză prosopografică
This study presents data about social origin, life, education, intellectual profile,
political and administrative career of Cluj prefects from interbelic period. The prefects of
Cluj county were complex personalities. They followed different university studies, from
theology or medicine to law and political science. Nevertheless, they had a legal thinking,
13 prefects among 15 having law degree. The government representatives in the territory
also stood out as brave soldiers, journalists, famous doctors or lawyers, were members of
cultural associations or charities. Almost without exception, Cluj prefects were born in
Transylvania and Banat. At appointment, the mean age of the prefects was 42 years.
Latter, just because they were prefects, the communist regime persecuted and condemned
Key words: Administration, Cluj, the Interwar Period
Vasile PUŞCAŞ « Back
Mihail Manoilescu - Economic Thought and Economic Reality
Endowed with an Anglo-Saxon analytic spirit, German logical rigor, and Latin
imagination, Mihail Manoilescu was one of the most distinguished Romanian thinkers of the
20th century. He was not a "narrow-minded" economist, but rather enjoyed the great
advantage of reaching out way beyond the sphere of his competencies. Manoilescu's
economic theories are infused with political and social ideas, at times featuring a
"prophetic" classical allure. In a sense, Manoilescu is the forerunner of postwar theories on
global trade and one of the few Romanian economists known and acknowledged by
prestigious schools of economic thought in the world. He noted the "market distortions" and
offered solutions that, even if they were not fully accepted, did foster new research to find
ways and means to address potential market anomalies. His well-known works - about the
theory of protectionism and about the corporatist theory - had a resounding echo in his
time, enjoyed close attention in Latin America. One of his book, "Teoria protecţionismului şi
a schimburilor internaţionale" (The Theory of Protectionism and of International Exchanges)
had a significant impact on the Customs Law of 1931 in Brazil and on the whole
industrialization process of South America.
Key words: Mihail Manoilescu, economic theories, corporatist doctrine, protectionism theory
Veronica TURCUŞ « Back
Avatarurile Academiei Române sub comunism. Relaţiile cu mediul academic italian: Giuseppe Lugli - membru al Academiei Române
The Italian historian, topographer and archaeologist Giuseppe Lugli (1890-1967)
is mentioned in Italian historiography for the contributions on the study of Ancient Rome's
monuments, on the Roman suburban villas, for publishing the corpus of pertinent epigraphic
sources of the Roman topography and for promoting aerial pictures as a groundbreaking
research method in his domain. His connections with the Romanian School in Rome - where
he worked first as a secretary and then as a scientific adviser, throughout its whole
existence, from 1922 to 1947 - and his role in developing Romanian - Italian cultural
relationships both in the inter-war period and after the World War II, all these nominated
him as one of the pro-Romanian Italian scholars. His scientific merits and, at the same time,
the contribution to the development of the Romanian-Italian relationships, have determined
the election of G. Lugli as a foreign corresponding member of the Romanian Academy on
July 8th 1926, following the proposal of Vasile Pârvan, at the time the Secretary General of
the Romanian Academy and the headmaster of the Romanian School in Rome. Professor
Lugli maintained a relationship with Romania in the post-war years, contributing to a series
of pro-Latin cultural initiatives of the period (the celebration of the bimillenium of the poet
Ovidiu in autumn 1957 or the bringing to Bucharest, in 1967, of the copies of Trajan's
column, manufactured at the beginning of World War II and kept in Rome until that time).
As a consequence, the R.P.R. Academy reconfirmed G. Lugli on February 3rd 1965 as an
honorary member of the highest scientific institution in our country. Professor Lugli enjoyed
the recognition of his work first in Italy and then in the pontifical medium, being chosen, in
1938, as corresponding member of the most prestigious Italian Academy, Accademia
Nazionale dei Lincei. Having become a tenured member of the previously mentioned
Academy in 1946, Giuseppe Lugli would improve the relationships with post-war Romania
mainly as a representative of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and as a former scientific
adviser of the Romanian school in Rome. The documents published in the appendix contain
information regarding the relationship between the Romanian Academy and Accademia
Nazionale dei Lincei in the 1957-73 period and are relevant for reconstructing the dynamic
of external relationships of the Romanian Academy, being confronted at the time with the
pressures of the ideocratic regime.
Key words: Romanian Academy, Communist regime, Giuseppe Lugli, Accademia Nazionale
dei Lincei, Romanian-Italian relationships