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Content of the YEARBOOK No. XLIII from 2004
Eugen DENIZE | Ştefan the Great's Moldavia at the Interest Convergence of the Great Powers (1457-1474) | abstract
Camil MUREŞANU | A Historical Sketch of George Bariţ about an Episode from the Ruling Time Ştefan the Great's | abstract |
Ovidiu MUREŞAN | Connections between Moldavia and Venice during the Time of Ştefan the Great | abstract
Sorin BULBOACĂ | The Romanian Nobility from the Banat, in Lugojland and Caransebeş, during the 16th-17th Centuries. Case Studies: the Bekes, Iojika, Vaida and Măcicaşi Families | abstract
Francisc PAP | The Tricesima Registers about Weapons, Military Equipment and Munitions in the Commerce from Cluj (1599-1637) | abstract
Remus CÂMPEANU | The Impact of the Religious Reform on the Transylvanian Teaching | abstract
PAPP Klára | The Transylvanian Possessions of the Csáky Family in the First Half of the 18th Century | abstract
Florin Valeriu MUREŞAN | Natural Calamities and Climate Variations during The First Half of the 18th Century. Their Impact on the Human Habitats in the Romanian District of Bistriţa | abstract
Liviu BOTEZAN | The Participation of the Peasantry from the Turda County to the Revolution for the Abolishment of Serfdom in the Spring of the Year 1848 | abstract
Eugen GLÜCK | Transylvania's Jewish Population (1848-1920) | abstract
Alexandru ROZ | 1848-1849 - Heroes without Monuments in the Zarand Country |
Virgiliu FLOREA | An Unedited Corpus of the Romanian Folklore, J. C. Hintz-Hinţescu's Manuscript in Budapest |
VARGA Attila | The Roman-Catholically Education in Banat in the Second Half of the 19th Century. The Small Seminar in the Cenad Bishopric, 1872-1900 | abstract
Dumitru SUCIU | Transylvania in the Democratization Process of the Principles Regarding the Establishment of State Frontiers in Central and Eastern Europe and the Versailles System | abstract
Peter WEBER | A Few Information from the Archives of the German Ministery of Foreign Affaires, Regarding the Germans from Romania during the Weimar Republic | abstract
Florin ANGHEL | Attitudes and Actions in the Polish Regional Foreign Politics after the Riga Peace Treaty (1921-1922) | abstract
Gheorghe IANCU, Ottmar TRAŞCĂ | Romania's Political Situation between September 1939 and September 1940, Reflected in the Reports of the American Military Attaché in Bucharest, J. P. Ratay | abstract
Dorin DOBRINCU | "The Forest People". The Anticommunist Armed Resistance in Northern Transylvania (1945-1958) | abstract
Bogdan MOŞNEAGU | Jassy 1949. The Popular Athenaeums and the Nationalization of the Free Time | abstract
Gabriel CATALAN, Mircea STĂNESCU | Short History of the Securitate (Security Service) | abstract
Ioan CHINDRIŞ | Blaj and the Beginnings of the Vifleim Custom among the Romanians |
Daniela DETEŞAN | Herderian Influences in the Transylvanian Culture in the Period before 1848 | abstract
Mirela ANDREI | From the History of Popular Schools in Năsăud. 1830-1866 (Fragment) | abstract
Gelu NEAMŢU | The "Sunday of the Holy Trinity", Official Day of the Abolishment of Serfdom in Transylvania | abstract
Radu MÂRZA | Franz Miklosich's Place in the Afirmation of Slavistic Studies in Romania | abstract
Ion ZAINEA | The Normal State Schooling in Romanian Language in Bihor between the Two World Wars | abstract
Stelian MÂNDRUŢ | The Historian's J. Tóth Zoltán Study Years at the Cluj University (1929-1934) | abstract
BÁTHORY Ludovic | The Recalculation of the Coal Production of the Petroşani Society, based upon the Dates of the Secret Bookeeping (1921-1929) | abstract
Antonio FAUR | Ştefan Popescu, Leader of the Resistance Group in Southern Bihor (1946-1950) | abstract
| Content of Reviews and Bibliographical Notes |
The 1848 Funds of Documents at the History Institute "George Bariţ" |
Items of Visibility of the History Institute "George Bariţ" - The History Department |
The Romanian-Hungarian History Commission |
The Romanian-Slovakian History Commission |
Books Received by the Library of the History Institute "George Bariţ" in 2004 |
Valeriu Florin Dobrinescu (1943-2003) |
Dénes Károlyi (1928-2003) |
Eugen Glück (1927-2004) |
Abstracts / Résumé / Zusammenfassungen
Eugen DENIZE  « Back
Das Fürstentum Moldau unter Stefan dem Großen am Kreuzungspunkt der Großmachtpolitik (1457-1474), S. 9-28.
Stefan der Große, Fürst der Moldau, suchte in den ersten Jahrzenten der Herrschaft sein Land von den nominellen Lehensmächten zu emanzipieren und wirkungsvoll gegen den Osmanischen Reich abzuwehren. Das Entscheidungsmoment war für Stefan und für die Beziehungen gegenüber seinen christlichen Nachbaren Ungarn und Polen das Jahr 1467, als des Fürstens Eroberung des Donauhafens Kilia und frühere Unterstüzung der Szekler Aufstände in Siebenbürgen durch den moldauischer Herrscher zu Konflikten mit Ungarn führte. Die Aussöhnung mit der ungarischen Krone erfolgte 1469 nach einer Niederlage König Matthias' bei Baia (15. Dezember 1467). Um diese Zeit begann Stefan auch eine unabhängige Politik der osmanisch-polnischen Koalition gegenüber.
Camil MUREŞANU  « Back
Eine historische Skizze von G. Barit bezüglich einer Episode aus der Herrschaftszeit Stefan des Gossen, S. 29-34.
Am 13. November 1844 erschien in der Publikation "Foaie pentru unitate, inima si literatura" (Nr. 46) eine skizzenartige von G. Barit verfasste historische Darstellung betitelte "Un ramas bun in campul bataliei"("Der Abschied auf dem Schlachtfeld"). Der Entwurf stellt die Persönlichkeit des moldauischen Herrschers durch eine imaginäre Episode um die Schlacht von Soci dar. Obwohl die Skizze hat auf keinen Fall irgendwelche literarische Bedeutung, sie spiegelt das Ideal und der Galube der Generation der 1848 Revolution wider.
Ovidiu MUREŞAN  « Back
Die Beziehungen zwischen Moldau und Venedig in der Herrschaftszeit Stephans des Grossen, S. 35-56.
Der Autor erörtet schrittweise die folgenden Fragen: die Außenpolitik Venedigs in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts, die Außenpolitik des moldauischen Herrschers und endlich die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Kräfte. Es kommt zu einer sehr interessante Schlussfolgerung: während der moldauische Herrscher kurzfristige, pragmatische und vor allem gelegentliche diplomatische Vetretungen in Venedig bevorzugte, die Venezianer suchten besonders nach dem Jahre 1476 für längere Zeit (von zwei oder drei Monate bis zu zwei Jahren) in der Nähe des moldauischen Fürstens zu residieren. Die "venezianische Botschaft" in der Hauptstadt Suceava hatte als Aufgabe die Sammlung von Nachrichten.
Sorin BULBOACĂ  « Back
Die Adelfamilie rumänischer Herkunft aus dem Banat (Lugosch und Karanschebesch) in den 16.-17. Jahrhunderten. Studienfall: Die Familien Bekes, Iojica, Vaida und Măcicaş, S. 57-67.
Herkunft, Entwicklung, politisches Leben in Banat und in Siebenbürgen und genealogische Aspekte werden vom Verfasser in Bezug auf vier obenerwähnte Adelsgeschlechte rumänischer Abstammung anhand der arhivalischen Quellen untersucht.
Francisc PAP  « Back
Die Zollregister (Dreißigstregister) des Waffen-, Rüstungs- und Munitionshandelns in Klausenburg (1599-1637), S. 69-84.
Der Verfasser beabsichtigt aufgrund der im Klausenburger Staatsarchiv erhaltenen jährlichen Zollregister eine Rekonstruktion des Waffenhandelns in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Daraus folgt einen zuferlässigen Beitrag zur Kriegs-, bzw. Wirtschaftsgeschichte Klausenburgs in der Frühneuzeit.
Remus CÂMPEANU  « Back
The Impact of the Religious Reform on the Transylvanian Teaching, p. 85-98.
It is well known that the rapid penetration of the Religious Reform in Transylvania was stimulated by the ethnic, social and cultural diversity of the principality as reflected by both the legislative system and the political choices expressed by the local elites throughout the decades in the middle of the 16th century. The present study is meant to track the effects of the Religious Reform in the educational field - one of the finest and most faithful sensors of the spiritual changes - and at the same time to keep only within the limits of the changes in secondary and higher education in the principality. The study covers not only the Transylvanian area, but also the neighbor territories in the North and West, namely Banat and Partium, out of which some territories had frequently been possessions of either the Hungarian Kingdom or Transylvania. The present investigation reviews the setting up and development of Protestant schools during the 16th-18th centuries; after this period education significantly changed from a confessional priority into a state priority, a process starting, in fact, in the second half of the 18th century. The main schools in the area, which came into being and developed in accordance with the success of the Religious Reform, are presented below. It can easily be noticed that the great majority of them was favored by the political regime of the Calvinist princes in the 17th century and they also resisted afterwards, under the control of the Vienna Court, a period when not only their activity wasn't interrupted, in spite all the vicissitudes, but also some new education centers were set up.
PAPP Klára  « Back
Die siebenbürgische Grundherrschaft der Familie Csáki in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jhds., S. 99-112.
Es wird die Geschichte und die Genealogie der Familie Csáki von Cheresig, die sich um die Mitte des 17. Jahrhunders in einem ungarischen, bzw. siebenbürgischen Zweig trennte, dargestellt. Die siebenbürgische Mitglieder des Stammes und ihre Grundbesitzungen, die auf dem Gebiet der heutigen rumänischen Kreisen Sălaj, Maramureş und Bihor lokalisierbar sind, werden im Zusammenhang mit den wichtigsten politischen Ereignise der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, an denen sich die erwähnten Adeligen unmittelbar beteiligt haben.
Florin Valeriu MUREŞAN  « Back
Naturkatastrophen und Klimawandel in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts und ihre Auswirkung auf die Ortschaften des rumänischen Distrikts Bistriţa, S. 113-130.
Autor bearbeitet und ediert einige bis jetzt unbekannte Archivmaterialien, die in Klausenburg bewahrt sind. Aufgrund dieser Dokumente versucht man eine Rekonstruktion der Auswirkung, die die Naturkatastrophen und der Klimawandel auf die Mentalität der Bewohner des Bistrizer Distrikts nach 1700 gehabt haben.
Liviu BOTEZAN  « Back
The Participation of the peasantry from the Turda County to the Revolution for the Abolishment of Serfdom in the Spring of the Year 1848, p. 131-152.
Based on published sources, the author reconstitutes the actions and movement of the peasantry from Turda county in the spring of the year 1848 for abolishment of the serfdom. Contrasting with another regions, here the most of the movements were relatively peacefully, without violence. However, the presure of the peasantry, coroborated with another similar actions from the other counties of Transylvania, quicked the adoptation of a decision regarding abolishment of the serfdom in the Diet from Cluj on June 6th 1848. The anxiety that a possible postponing vote of the draft of urbarial law could generate an anti nobiliar uprising, pressed this act.
Eugen GLÜCK  « Back
Transylvania's Jewish Population (1848-1920), p. 153-177.
The article shows the increasing of Jewish population who lived in Transylvania's comitates, historical counties and towns, based on referendums from 1851, 1881, 1890, 1900 and 1910.
e are presented details about the Roma people's occupations and the employment in the Administrative Department of State.
VARGA Attila  « Back
The Banat Roman-Catholic education in the second half of the 19 century. The Csanad bishopric's "Little Seminary", p. 203-210.
The analysis of the present study is focusing to the clerical activity of one of the most brilliant bishops of the Banat's Roman Catholic diocese during the modern times. Well known like an excellent acting church manager and also a very charitable "mecena" of his time, Alexander Bonnaz was an active clergyman which got across to the strengthening and establishment of the Banat roman-catholic church education during the 19 century. Interested by the spiritual progress of the catholic religion, he decided to invest much in the idea of quality of the Banat's catholic education. For this reason, he put the Timisoara's theological seminary on new basis by strengthening it with a new catholic middle school so called "The Little Seminary". It was created for the young people catholic training, especially for those who intended to follow the Timisoara's high theological education. But not even the Roman Catholic pupils had the chance to study inside the catholic little seminary. Bishop Bonnaz has also admitted the Greek-catholic pupils for theological training. By his exigent and record clerical education system, "The Little Seminary" became one of the most important and famous middle schools of Banat during the second half of the 19th century.
Dumitru SUCIU  « Back
Transylvania in the Democratization Process of the Principles Regarding the Establishment of State Frontieers in Central and Eastern Europe, p. 211-242.
The author analyses the factors which contured the geopolitics of Versailles system at the end of the First World War, especially stressing upon the problem who created, sustained their existence and also, who contested.
rding to the making of Romanian unitary state, the author's opinion is that this process has started already in 1916 with the support of the aliance with Entente, but sustained and strenghted through national firm will and plebiscitary decisions from 1918.
he other hand, the author take into discution also the atempts of undermining the Versailles system by bolsheviks. In this context, he stresses the importance of enclosing the expansion of the communism and saving the european democracy. The author explains the failure of the intentions promoted by the League of Nations to preserve the peace and democracy in Europe because of the withdrawal of USA, which he calls a failure of the president Wilson. In the last part of the study, he explains why the entire interwar system failed and especially why the League of Nations was suitable to be reloaded throught the new UNO after 1945.
Peter WEBER  « Back
A Few Information from the Archives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Regarding the Germans from Romania during the Weimar Republic, p. 243-255.
The article presents information regarding the German minority population from Romania, specially the group of Saxons, who got quickly integrated in the new state administrative structures, and who became the loyal citizen of their new country.
There are presented few ideas from German publications, which criticized the Agriculture Reform Laws (1921), the Elementary Education Reform Laws (1924) and the Administrative Unification Reform Laws (1925).
It is also showed the Nazism ideology's influence to the Germans from Romania.
Florin ANGHEL  « Back
Attitudes and Actions in the Polish Regional Foreign Politic after the Riga Peace Treaty (1921-1922), p. 255-265.
The Riga Peace Treaty, signed by Poland and Russia on March 18th, 1921, offered new action opportunities and new political orientation to the Polish Foreign Affaires Department.
Polish Foreign Affaires Department improved the political relations with the region neighbors by signing a Political Agreement with Romania in March 1921 and another Political Agreement with Czechoslovakia on November 6th, 1921.
The Rapallo Treaty (April 16th, 1992) signed by Germany and Soviet Union, gave a warning to Poland about regional security.
Gheorghe IANCU, Ottmar TRAŞCĂ  « Back
Romania's Political Situation between September 1939 and September 1940, Reflected in the Reports of the American Military Attaché in Bucharest, J.P. Ratay, p. 265-317.
The article presents the most important Romanian internal and external political events, based on Romanian and German historical archives.
There is also analyzed the Ribbentrop-Molotov Treaty content, and the immediately consequences to Romania: Romania is forced to cede Basarabia and North Bucovina which were incorporated into Soviet Union.
The negotiations between Romania and Hungary didn't solve their political problem. The second Vienna Award (August 30th, 1940) caused strong resentments in Romania.
The three Reports of the American Military Attaché in Bucharest, published in Annex, brought new information about the debated subject, especially about the Cluj city evacuation by the Romanian autorities and about the context when marshal Ion Antonescu became the head of state.
Dorin DOBRINCU  « Back
"Die Waldleute". Der antikommunistische Waffenwiderstand im Norden Siebenbürgens (1945 - 1958), p. 317-372.
Der Aufsatz stellt den antikommunistischen Waffenwiderstand in den nördlichen Gegenden Siebenbürgens: Maramureş, Lăpuş und Satu-Mare, im fünften und sechsten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts vor. Die Ursachen des Phänomens, die bedeutendsten Momente und die handelnden Gruppen werden dargestellt. Im Winter und Frühjahr 1945 brach der Widerstandskampf der rumänischen Bevölkerung aus, gegen die nach Einsetzung des Dr. Petru Groza Regimes aufgehobenen Anschlußversuche der Maramureş an die Sowjetukraine. Als weitere Ursachen des Widerstandes werden erwähnt: die Aufhebung der griechisch-katholischen Kirche und die Kollektivisierung der Landwirtschaft. Es werden ausführlich beschrieben die Hauptgruppen des Waffenwiderstandes, als folgende: die Gruppe der griechisch-katholischen Priester vom Bixad Kloster, die Brüder Popşa aus Valea Izei in Verbindung mit den Ortschaften Ieud, Rozavlea und Dragomireşti, die in der Gegend Lăpuş-Ţibleş handelnde Gruppe (1948 - 1953), die von Gheorghe Paşca geleitete Gruppe.
Bogdan MOŞNEAGU  « Back
Jassy 1949. Die Volksathenea (Kulturheime) und die Etatisierung der Freizeit, p.373-386.
In der kommunistischen Auffassung sollten alle Mittel verwendet werden, um, durch Intensifizierung der menschlichen Bemühungen, die materielle Güterproduktion zu steigern, so wie der Staatsplan für das Jahr 1949 vorsah. Die Kulturpolitik wurde deshalb zu einem Anhang der Wirtschaftspolitik. Die Volksathenea (Kulturheime) waren bestimmt diesem Zweck zu dienen. Das Ministerium der Künste und Informationen auf Landesebene und die Kultursektion im Rahmen des provisorischen Kommitees der Stadtgemeinde Jassy auf Ortsebene waren mit der Organisierung der Kulturtätigkeiten beauftragt. Die Funktion der Kulturheime sollte sich in der Popularisierung der Errungenschaften der Rumänischen Arbeiterpartei, im Kampf gegen den Obskurantismus, in der Entfernung des Mystizismus, in der Bekanntmachung der wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen, sowie im Kampf gegen die Aufforderung des kriegerischen Imperialismus konkretisieren. Die Festtage und Massenmanifestationen, zum 23. August (die Befreiung vom faschistischen Joch), am 7. November (die große sozialistische Oktoberrevolution), am 21. Dezember (Geburtstag des Iosif Visarionovitsch Stalin), wurden in Sitzungen und Instruktionen planifiziert und konnten ohne Schwierigkeit dem Endzweck der Etatisierung der Freizeit der Bevölkerung dienen.
Gabriel CATALAN, Mircea STĂNESCU  « Back
Kurze Geschichte der Securitate (des rumänischen Sicherheitsdienstes), p. 387-413.
Der Aufsatz bietet eine Gesamtdarstellung der Tätigkeit der Securitate (des rumänischen Sicherheitsdienstes) dar, indem es deren Entwicklungsetappen, ihre institutionalisierten Organisierungs- und Handlungsformen beschreibt. Zunächst geht es nach dem Jahr 1944 um die Infiltrierung sowjetischer Spionageoffiziere innerhalb der ehemaligen rumänischen Geheimdienste, welche, nach der Kontrollübernahme seitens der Rumänischen Kommunistischen Partei, vertreten durch Emil Bodnăraş (Generalsekretär des Präsidiums des Ministerrates) und Teoharie Georgescu (Innenminister), zur Säuberung der älteren Angestellten übertraten. 1945 wurde der Detektivkorps (Corpul Detectivilor) vom Sowjetspion Alexandru Nicolschi übernommen; 1948 entstand die Securitate, unter dem öffentlichen Namen Generaldirektion der Volkssicherheit (Direcţiunea Generală a Securităţii Poporului). Die Verfasser beschreiben die zahlreichen Formen und Verfahren der Securitate zur Vernichtung jedwelcher Opposition, sowie die innere Organisation der Securitate, einschließend die eigenen Miliztruppen mit 40.000 Angestellten und die Sicherheitstruppen mit 55.000 Angestellten. Nachdem Nicolae Ceauşescu 1965 die Macht übernahm, verfolgte er schon zwei Jahre später die Kontrolle über die Securitate zu gewinnen. Der Personalstand des Sicherheitsdienstes nahm ständig zu, von 3.973 Posten 1948 zu 38.682 angestellten Personen im Wendejahr 1989.
Daniela DETEŞAN  « Back
Herderian Influences in the Transylvanian Culture in the Period before 1848, p. 457-499.
Analyzing the Herder's books from Cluj, Sibiu, Aiud, Blaj and Alba-Iulia Libraries, the study tries to realize a structural examination on the main influences of Johann Gottfried von Herder in Transylvanian Culture in Vormärz.
In pre-1848 era, there was 125 books written by Herder in Transylvanian Hungarian and Saxons Libraries. In Gymnasium Library of Blaj we discover 15 books republished in Vienna by Johann Georg Müller.
"The national revival" from the 19th century ("the century of nations") was based on the language. Herder's idea of Volksgeist, as expressed in the language and literature of a nation, inspired the Romanian national movement. On the other hand, the popular culture and oral tradition, the folkloristic studies were developped not only in Transylvania, but all over in Central and Eastern Europe, by Herder and his successors (Achim von Arnin, Clemens Brentano and Grimm Brothers).
Mirela ANDREI  « Back
From the History of Popular Schools in Năsăud. 1830-1866 (Fragment), p. 499-522.
This study analyses the evolution of the elementary (popular) education from the territory of the second Romanian Regiment Frontier between 1830-1866. The end of the 18th Century marked for the "năsăudean" Frontier Regiment the beginning of a coagulation of a viable school system by setting up of three trivial schools, the Normal (Pedagogical) School and a Military Institute in Năsăud. In the analysed period, the history of elementary school from this region followed an ascendant course, with a recoil caused by the events from 1848-1849 which affected for a short time the functionality of the schools too. The situation came into normality in the first years of Neoabsolutistic Era, a political regime which marked also the beginning of a new type of collaboration between state and church in educational policy. The study takes into debate another aspects too as: the modalities of designating the teachers, their professional capacities, their retribution, the role of school foundations in sustaining the elementary education in this region, aspects regarding to attendance of scholar population.
Gelu NEAMŢU  « Back
The "Sunday of the Holy Trinity", Official Day of the Abolishment of Serfdom in Transylvania, p. 523-540.
The study analyses the problem of abolition of Serfdom in the revolution from 1848. He argues that the official day of this Act can be considered 18th June 1848. Based upon different sources, the author reconstitutes the atmosphere in the Diet from Cluj in the period before and on 18th June 1848.
The official discourse of the nobility tried to promote the message of "the great sacrifice" that they made for the peasants by releasing their Serf obligations. However, the Romanians considered that this historical geste was materialized only by the "Good Emperor from Vienna".
Radu MÂRZA  « Back
Franz Miklosich's Place in the Afirmation of Slavonic Studies in Romania, p. 541-568.
The author's intention is to reconstitute the personality og the great slavist Franz Miklosich -his name been connected with developement of Romanian slavistical studies. After he explains the historiography of the subject, the author insists upon the life and intelectual creation of Miklosich and also upon the correspondence of this savant with intellectuals from Romania as T. Cipariu, B.P. Haşdeu, etc.
The author stress the point of view that this subject deserves more atention among historians, especially the Romanians becuase, beside other personalities such Ioan Bogdan, through Miklosich the austrian slavonic studies made a great progress in the field of research of romanian-slavonic studies.
Ion ZAINEA  « Back
The Teachers State Schooling in Romanian Language in Bihor between the Two World Wars, p. 569-593.
The article presents the activity of three school forming elementary and primary teachers from Bihor, between 1920 and 1940. These school were: "Iosif Vulcan" Pedagogical School for Boys from Oradea, "Doamna Stanca" Pedagogical School for Girls from Oradea and Pedagogical School for Girls from Beiuş.
The main ideas debated are: the school building situation, the school financial situation, the school teachers, the pupils' school results, the pupils' scholarship, the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic pupils' number.
Stelian MÂNDRUŢ  « Back
Die Studienjahre des Historikers I. Tóth Zoltán an der Klausenburger Universität, S. 593-610.
Aufgrund eines unedierten Archivmaterials, der Autor dieses Beitrags unterstreicht eine Reihe von sehr wichtigen Angaben bezüglich der Universitätsstudien an der Fakultäten für Theologie (kalvinischer Bekenntnis), bzw. für Philologie und Philosophie der Klausenburger Universität, einer wichtigen Etappe des Werdegangs des im Titel ernannten Historikers. Die vorliegende Studie, die im Andenken des Menschens und des Historikers I. Tóth Zoltán verfasst wurde, hervorhebt die Ausbildung des siebenbürgisch-ungarischen Gelehrten, eine Ausbildung die sowohl von bedeutenden Professoren als auch von neuren Strömmungen in der Geschichtsschreibung entscheidend beeinflusst war.
BÁTHORY Ludovic  « Back
The Recalculation of the Coal Production of the Petroşani Society based upon Secret Bookkeeping Data (1921-1929), p. 611-650.
The Petrosani Coal Society's Secret Bookkeeping Data were different from the published official documents. The Secret Bookkeeping Data (the total number of benefits, liquidations and secrets investments over the period of 1921-1929) were on an average twice higher than officially reported data.
The author has calculated again the business number and the annual coal sales. Because of the substantial investments, the Petroşani Society has realized a spectacular expansion of the coal production to 2.200.000 tons yearly, while the coal statistics pointed out 1.000.000 tons annually. The difference was sold to private industrialists, which consumed in fact over 60% from the real production of Petroşani Society, although based upon official accounts appeared only 20% industrial consumption.
The Romanian industrial activity was higher in reality rather than the economical official's reports. Romania was a medium developed country and it wasn't a poor country as many historians considered it.
Antonio FAUR  « Back
Ştefan Popescu, Leader of the Resistance Group in Southern Bihor (1946-1950), p. 651-665.
In the last decade it was made significant progress in the study of the Romanian anti-communist resistance, both through national and local level.
This article presents the personality and the activity of Ştefan Popescu, who was the leader of the Resistance Group against the Soviet influence in Romania.