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Content of the YEARBOOK No. XLII from 2003

Academician DAN BERINDEI on His Eighteenth Anniversary
Nicolae EDROIUA Life-Time Dedicated to History11
Dorina N. RUSUThe Bibliography of His Work 17htm
GEORGE BARIŢ Colloquium - May 23, 2003
Camil MUREŞANUGeorge Bariţ, the European51htm
Iulian VĂCĂRELGeorge Bariţ on the Rural Population's debts and the Fiscal Burden in Transylvania57htm
Victor AXENCIUCEconomic Relations between Transylvania and the Other Romanian Provinces in the Nineteenth Century65htm
Gheorghe POPESCUDemographic Aspects in Bariţ's Economic Thought 71htm
Gelu NEAMŢUAn Accomplished Historiographic Destiny: George Bariţ79htm
Remus CÂMPEANUGeorge Bariţ on the Establishment of the Romanian Uniate Church83htm
Mircea POPAGeorge Bariţ, the Traveller89htm
Ioan CHINDRIŞGeorge Bariţ, the Epistler101htm
Gheorghe NAGHIThe Correspondence between Ioan Boroş and George Bariţ (1879-1883) 121htm
Camil MUREŞANUIn memoriam143htm
Sorina BOLOVAN, Ioan BOLOVANŞtefan Pascu and Historical Demography in Romania145htm
Nicolae EDROIUThe Historical Research on the Transylvanian Voivodat155htm
Lidia GROSSThe Brotherhood of Sibiu Chapter161htm
Ioan CHINDRIŞIoan Bob and The Bible of Blaj from 1795171htm
Ioan CHINDRIŞGheorghe Şincai between Romanian and Hungarian Literatures179htm
Susana ANDEA, Avram ANDEAArms Provisions and Military Organization of Pintea's Outlaws. Official Inquiries between 1700-1701189htm
Ileana CĂZANAustrian Trade and the Danube River Moths. First Attempts. 1768-1791205htm
Gheorghe PLATONNation and National Movement in the First Decades of the Nineteenth Century 221htm
Dan BERINDEIHistory Textbooks between National and European Education241htm
Remus CÂMPEANUSimion Bărnuţiu's View on the Transylvanian Romanians' Religious Unification with the Church of Rome251htm
Pavel TEODORSecular and Ecclesiastic Aspects in the Forty-Eight Revolutions of Central Europehtm
Nicolae BOCŞAN, RUDOLF GRÄFFrom the Memoirs of the 1848 Revolution269htm
Liviu BOTEZANActions Taken by the Peasants of Cluj County for the Abolition of Bondage in the Spring of 1848281htm
Gelu NEAMŢUMay 3/15, 1848 Seen from Perspective of Each Decade until Unification (1858-1918)297htm
Ioan-Silviu NISTORDetails Concerning the Circumstances and Place of Avram Iancu's Death301htm
Stelian MÂNDRUŢPolitical-Electoral Dynamics in Transylvania between 1806-1910313htm
Cornel SIGMIREANThe Students of the Blaj Theological Academy between 1806-1911325htm
Attila VARGAFor a History of the Nineteenth Century Banat. Caraş and Severin Counties between the Liberal Age and the 1880 Unification335htm
Dorina N. RUSUTransylvania and the Romanian Academy345htm
Dumitru SUCIUThe Pronunciamento of Blaj and Its Impact on the Evolution of the Romanian National Movement Programs and Strategies in Transylvania355htm
Dumitru VITCUPolitical Meaning of a Cultural Act (An Episode in the History of the "Corvina" Library)373htm
Daniela BUŞĂForeign Capital Investment in Romanian Economy at the Begining of the Twentieth Century379htm
Dorin GOŢIAAbbot Zavoral and the Romanian wounded Men in Strahov393htm
Vasile CIOBANUThe Diplomatic Activity of Alexandru Vaida Voevod in Paris (1918)401htm
GYÉMÁNT LadislauThe European Idea at the End of World War I407htm
Lucian NĂSTASĂThe Birth of Two Universities in Multicultural Cluj (1944-1945) 419htm
Alexandru ROZIoan Flueraş, a Social-Democrat leader Dead in Communist Prions 453htm
Miodrag MILINTitoism at the Romanian-Yougoslavian Borderline457htm
Academic Editorial Event - The Romanians' Treatise477
Items of Vizibility of the History Institute from Cluj-Napoca. The History Department478htm